Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My first "real" cake

Well, now that I don't work and have more time to spare, I have decided to start baking. I consider myself to be a good cook when it comes to main dishes and sides/appetizers, but I have baked very little. (Not counting boxed mixes!) In fact, I'm not sure I have ever made a cake from scratch, until TODAY! Kristy has been into baking for a while now, and I always see pictures of her beautiful cake creations, and can only imagine how delicious they must be. She has inspired me to try to do something on my own. Actually, she is very inspirational. A few years ago, I admired her dedication to running and exercising throughout college. I mainly partied and ate everything I could find. Then one day, the reality hit me: skinny little Ariel was getting fat. It was a sad, sad day. I really do remember the exact day. I'm sure Kristy and I talked about exercise many times, but more than her verbal encouragement, I remember being encouraged by the example that she set for me. I lost my weight, and have been a runner for the

past 4 years. In fact, this November, she and I will run the Rock and Roll Half Marathon together in San Antonio. Now, I have watched her from afar, via cyberspace teach herself how to bake all kinds of crazy things. That last statement really sounds stalkerish, but we live far apart! Thank goodness for facebook! I don't ever expect to be that good, but I enjoy doing it, and my husband loves to eat it. so do I. Let's hope I don't get fat again!! :)

So, today I made a lemon cream cake. It took me 4 hours, and about 7 calls to Kristy. Here's how it went.

3 total shopping trips. I didn't know that "cake flour" existed. I had to purchase a sifter.

Reasons it almost didn't work out:

*I failed to notice that the large measuring cup I was using for a mixing bowl was wet in the bottom, and flour stuck to it.

*I was supposed to dump the butter in the sugar/lemon zest mixture, but I accidently dropped it in the flour mixture. I just dusted it off and kept going.

* I dropped some flour as I was sifting b/c I didn't know how to use the sifter.

*No crisco to grease cake pans. I used butter, but apparently not enough.

*All of the steps took me too long, and I know I wasn't supposed to stop mixing a few times, but I had to.

*My mixer was bought at a WalMart black Friday for 5 bucks, probably five years ago.

*I ran out of simple syrup.

* My cakes started falling apart when I cut them in half.

But, it did turn out. It wasn't that attractive, considering that I had to put it on a pizza pan. I waited until Matt got home to try it, dreaming of 10 stars. He has never given me a 10. He's a tough critic! He is always complimentary, and I know that a 10 is reserved for something out of this world! Someday, though. Anyway, he cut a piece, and we both tried it. He says it's good, and rates it an 8. I admit I'm disappointed. Not because of how he rated it; he's right. I didn't really like it that much either. Maybe because I've licked too many sugary fingers and beaters today. It was okay, but nothing to brag about. I'm embarrassed that I spent 4 hours on it. I know it was my fault, because Kristy said it was one of the best cakes she has ever made.

I am not going to give up though. It was probably silly to start with something that difficult, considering my lack of experience.

Until next time.

The mess. Here's the finished product. (on a pizza pan)

Update: The cake was MUCH better today after being refrigerated all night. It was really good. I gave most of it away though!!

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